In this newest installment of the Little Hedgehog and Friends series, a big winter storm, just before Christmas, has forced Little Hedgehog and the other animals to stay in their houses. When the weather finally clears, they all decide to get together to have a party--but where are the beavers? The group discovers that a large boulder has rolled in front of the beavers' door, trapping their friends inside.
Can Little Hedgehog and his friends work together to help the beavers so that they can all spend Christmas together?
Little Hedgehog and the other woodland animals are the best of friends! Their exciting adventures take them to different places in the forest and center around friendship, teamwork, determination, and gratitude. Each of the books in the Little Hedgehog & Friends series promotes being helpful, building a sense of community among friends and neighbors, and learning how to be a leader with a can-do attitude while working together to solve problems.
In this newest installment of the Little Hedgehog and Friends series, a big winter storm, just before Christmas, has forced Little Hedgehog and the other animals to stay in their houses. When the weather finally clears, they all decide to get together to have a party--but where are the beavers? The group discovers that a large boulder has rolled in front of the beavers' door, trapping their friends inside.
Can Little Hedgehog and his friends work together to help the beavers so that they can all spend Christmas together?
Little Hedgehog and the other woodland animals are the best of friends! Their exciting adventures take them to different places in the forest and center around friendship, teamwork, determination, and gratitude. Each of the books in the Little Hedgehog & Friends series promotes being helpful, building a sense of community among friends and neighbors, and learning how to be a leader with a can-do attitude while working together to solve problems.
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We receive a lovely assortment of fresh flowers daily to create one-of-a-kind designs. No two arrangements are alike. The flower arrangements pictured on our website are provided to give an example of approximate size, style, stems, and cost. We do our best to fulfill special requests. We truly appreciate your business, and your satisfaction is our priority.