A little hedgehog follows a day in the life of...a hedgehog! Little ones will learn all about the baby hedgehog called a hoglet. What do they do when they are born? How and what do they eat? How do their prickly quills protect them? They may stay small but they can hunt for food in the grass and shrubbery and make grunting sounds like a pig.
When the sun rises the little hedgehogs follow their mother back to the nest and head off to sleep to wait for the night sky. Mixing sweet illustrations with interesting facts for grown-ups and toddlers alike makes this a great early-learning book. Come explore today!
Follow a day in the life of a little hedgehog!
A little hedgehog follows a day in the life of...a hedgehog! Little ones will learn all about the baby hedgehog called a hoglet. What do they do when they are born? How and what do they eat? How do their prickly quills protect them? They may stay small but they can hunt for food in the grass and shrubbery and make grunting sounds like a pig.
When the sun rises the little hedgehogs follow their mother back to the nest and head off to sleep to wait for the night sky. Mixing sweet illustrations with interesting facts for grown-ups and toddlers alike makes this a great early-learning book. Come explore today!
Follow a day in the life of a little hedgehog!
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